Find a Document

How to find specific documents and check if a document is available

Updated over a week ago

You can search for all the documents and templates in the Document Library.

Finding your ''existing'' documents

By Clicking ''Documents'' under your account, it will automatically show the existing documents that you previously created, whether they are in progress or completed.

Finding a Template for a document

From within your account, use the search bar to look up keywords or phrases.
You can then 'view details' to see which document will be best for you!

If you can't find a document with the exact name, try a different combination or word to bring up more results

For users on paid subscriptions, you can utilise Lawpath AI to suggest the most suitable template for your purpose!

Don't have a Lawpath account yet?

You can search the document list here: Lawpath Documents

You can sign up and access 1 free template to trial the features before committing to an annual subscription

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